Frequently asked questions.

How do I go about commissioning a woodwork piece?

The simplest and quickest way to request a commission is to email me with your idea ( button below). It may be helpful to take a look over my portfolio first. As here there’s a wide range of works that may help in crystallising your ideas. Generally within one or two emails and maybe a phone call, together we will work out the details of your commission. I.E. size, available wood species, a marquetry or not, price, approximate completion time, delivery and freight. The time to complete your piece depends largely on what it is and what I have presently on in the shop. Once we have everything settled I will contact you a week or so before I am about to start your piece. It is at this time when I will confirm everything with you and a deposit will be required to start the work. Please note: If you are considering commissioning a piece for a birthday or wedding gift ect, to avoid disappointment please try to order well in advance of the event. By ordering early 6-12 months in advance I am sure I will be able to accommodate your wishes.

Where can I find or view your work? Do you have a show room? What galleries show your work?

The work I do is almost exclusively commission work and because of that there is no showroom as such. Everything is online which includes this website, my facebook and instagram pages, icon links for those are on the top and the bottom of every page of this website. Time permitting I do participate in a few exhibitions a year. These exhibitions usually include both woodwork and drawings, they are Art with Altitude and Queensland Wildlife Artist’s Society Incorporated both are normally in or around October and November every year. A small selection of prints, originals and woodwork pieces can be found at Makers On Main 48 Main St Samford Village.

Do you teach drawing?

Currently I am not teaching, primarily because my time is split between both the workshop and the drawing board with little else left over. However, as the saying goes “never say never”. Teaching people to draw is something that I am passionate about, as I truly believe that each and everyone of us can draw. So I am hoping to hold classes in the future, possibly online.

Do you teach woodworking and marquetry inlay?

As stated above time is limited, I am planing to hold a short course on “An Introduction To Marquetry Inlay”. Again this may very well be an online course, something I will publish when the time comes.

Do you work with coloured veneers?

I only work with the natural colours of timber, relying on the tones, grain patterns and palette of the medium. I do use traditional techniques such as ebonizing and heat or sand shading. The ebonizing of some species will result in shades of greens, greys and blacks. While the heat or sand shading is a charing technique that gives the effect of shadow. I do use natural blue stained timbers, “blue stain” is caused by microscopic fungi attacking the timber. Generally it happens on light coloured woods that have been left lying on the ground for a period of time with the bark on. This results mostly in a blue grey, sometimes brown or black colours. Because of it’s limited palette marquetry relies more on contrasts than colour, which creates a very unique effect and indeed art form.

Can you frame a print or original drawing?

Yes, I frame prints and drawings in 100% recycled timbers. However because I only work in recycled timbers a specific request for say light or dark timber can not always be fulfilled. As the colour and species will be what I have available at the time of request. However I do my best to find a timber that will fulfil your wishes. For all information on framing, costs and shipping, etc it is best to email me first by clicking the ‘Email’ button below thank you.

‘Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo jewellery chest in recycled northern Silky-oak’